Em Julho desenvolvi um desafio pessoal. Durante 31 dias desenhei o esquilo Chubby e as suas aventuras. Chubby é uma personagem criada por mim, incialmente era uma das mascotes da marca Nuts for Paper.
Dias de 30 a 31 de Julho
In July I developed a personal drawing challenge. For 31 days I draw Chubby the squirrel and it's adventures. Chubby it's a character created by me, in the beginning, it was only one of the Nuts for Paper brand mascots.
Days of 30th and 31st of July
Sketchbook Friday 26/52
Sketchbook Friday 27/52
Sketchbook Friday 28/52
Sketchbook Friday 29/52
Sketchbook Friday 30/52
Sketchbook Friday 31/52
Julho trouxe-me algumas mudanças
- Mudei o corte de cabelo (sim, outra vez!)
- Passei parte do mês afastada das redes sociais (excepto no meu canal de YouTube).
- Mudei o meu estúdio de casa (e já ando a ponderar em fazer algumas mudanças no estúdio da Nuts for Paper)
- Passei o mês a desenhar esquilos (podem encontrá-los no Sketchbook Friday do mês de Julho)
- Comecei a criar uma nova loja online para a Nuts for Paper
- Continuei a desenvolver protótipos para a Nuts for Paper e a desenvolver as agendas 2018/2019 e 2019
- Inscrevi-me num ginásio
July brought a lot of change for me:
- I change my looks (again)!
- I spent the whole month away from most social media (the only exception was my YouTube channel)
- I've change my home studio (again- and already considering doing extra changes on my other studio)
- I spent the month drawing squirrels (you can find them in the Sketchbook Friday of July)
- I started a new online shop for a Nuts for Paper
- I continued developing prototypes for Nuts for Paper and developing 2018/2019 and 2019 planners
- I signed up in a gym
Bites & Bits August 32-35/52
August was a roller-coaster. A good roller-coaster. I started the month by installing new shelves on my Studio. I did it by myself and I...