Normalmente sou eu que costumo mandar imprimir e cortar os cartões da Nuts for Paper, mas desta vez decidi experimentar mandar para uma gráfica online. Ficaram lindos! (é claro que entretanto já imaginei outra maneira de apresentar os cartões, mas esse é o mal de estar sempre a pensar em coisas novas!)
Acabei a ilustração para os cadernos do Blogger's Camp. Mas vou só vos vou mostrar o resultado final depois do evento, assim vai ser surpresa! Preparei algumas surpresas para irem juntamente com o caderno. Que podem espreitar em baixo... conseguem adivinhar o que é?
E sabiam que o aniversário da Nuts for Paper está a aproximar-se?
É verdade já vai fazer 3 aninhos! Há dois acontecimentos muito especiais. Dia 5 de Junho marca a apresentação pública da Nuts for Paper e dia 5 de Julho foi o dia de abertura da loja online. Por isso a festa vai ser durante um mês inteiro! Mais detalhes muiito em breve!
Usually I print and hand cut the Nuts for Paper business cards, but this time I decided to try an online printing service. And I was quite pleased with the end result! (and of course I already had a few other ideas to make the next cards! but that's the curse of a creative person!).
I finished the illustration for the notebooks for the Blogger's Camp event. But I'll keep secret of the end result until after the event! I also prepared a few extra surprises that will go with the notebook. You can sneak peek it in the image under... can you guess what the surprises will be?
Did you know that Nuts for Paper birthday is upon us?
It's true, it's going to be three years! There are two very important dates - 5th of June is the public presentation of Nuts for Paper and 5th of July was the online shop opening. It's going to be a party during all month. All the details very soon!
A reflexão sobre a semana que passou, desta vez chega a uma segunda-feira em vez de domingo. Alguma vez tiveram que tomar algum anti-alérgico? Eu tive a infelicidade de ser
E agora vou-me dedicar a terminar os cadernos para o Blogger's Camp.
The reflection about last week only arrived today (Monday) instead of Sunday.
Did you ever had to take anti-allergic pills? I had the unhappy lucky of being bitten by some bug and I had to take some anti-allergic pills during the weekend. The end result was me being sleeppy during the whole weekend, one of the anti-allergic pills was very strong, and in some moments it make barely held my eyes open! And I haven't got rid of all the bug stings yet :|
And know I will carry on with the Blogger's Camp notebooks.