
#1 Episode | Snuggly and the West "breeze"

junho 09, 2013

Hoje começamos uma série de episódios com os nossos esquilos, Chubby e Snuggly. Este #1 é sobre acidentes recorrentes que acontecem à (coitada) da Snuggly. Inspirado nestas chuvas e frio fora de época e como a Snuggly costuma partir todos os seus chapéus de chuva com a "famosa" e graciosa "brisa" do oeste...


Today we start a new series of episodes with the squirrels Chubby and Snuggly. The #1st - is about recurring accidents that (poor) Snuggly suffers. Inspired by these rainy and cold, out of season, days and how Snuggly tends to break all of her umbrellas with the "famous" and gracious west "breeze"...

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