
#4 Episode | Chubby and Snuggly go to the beach

junho 21, 2013

Para comemorar o início do Verão a Chubby e a Snuggly decidiram ir à praia.
Assim que chegaram a Chubby lanchou e estendeu-se para dormir uma merecida sesta.
A Snuggly está cheia de frio e tenta (em vão) acordar a Chubby para irem para casa...


To celebrate the beginning of the summer Chubby and Snuggly decided went to the beach.
As long as they arrived Chubby took a snack and lay down to take a well deserved nap.
But Snuggly is cold and tries (in vain) to wake up Chubby, so they can go back home...

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