about a frantic wednesday
julho 17, 2014
Para quem me segue no instagram já teve um cheirinho do que se passou ontem. Foi um dia em cheio, cansativo, cheio de viagens para a frente e para trás entre Torres Vedras e Lisboa... mas cheguei ao final do dia a pensar Valeu a Pena!
Vamos começar pelo início. O meu dia começou bastante cedo, muito mais cedo do que de momento estou habituada.
Entre acordar, banhos, pequeno-almoço e de um pouco de internet atrasei me um pouco. Quando saí de casa ia com receio de não apanhar autocarro porque o elevador do prédio está avariado e desligado desde sexta feira. Fui numa correria pelas escadas abaixo... para estar quase 10 min à espera do autocarro na paragem.
No autocarro fiz a viagem a dormitar. Assim que cheguei ao campo grande corri para a linha verde e lá fui eu para o Chiado
Muni-me do meu habitué - o cappuccino e muffin de chocolate no Starbucks e sentei-me a ter um dos brainstormings mais entusiasmantes dos últimos tempos.
Who follows me on instagram had a litte glance over what happen yesterday. It was a big and FULL day, travelling between my hometown and Lisbon, but in the end of the day, it was worthy it!
Let's start with the beginning. My day started way to earlier that I'm use to. Between waking up properly, taking a bath, get dresses, have breakfast and surf a little in the internet, I thought I was getting late. When I left home I was afraid of not catching the right bus because the elevator of my apartment block is broken and shut off since last friday and I leave in the third floor, and still have to walk a little until the bus stop. I was so worried about it that I even had to wait another 10 minutes at the bus stop for the bus to come!
In the bus I listened to music and slept a little. When the Bus arrived I run to the metro and went to Chiado.
I pick up my usual picks - cappuccino and a chocolate muffin - at Starbucks and sit down to have of the greatest brainstormings I have in the recent times.
A Ana Luísa é um doce de pessoa, e ao mesmo tempo é uma força da natureza com uma vontade de mover mundos e fundos e com uma capacidade de te fazer acreditar que sim ela consegue.
Prometo que vem aí coisas interessantes , mas por enquanto estão no segredo dos deuses.
Ana Luísa is one of the sweetest persons I've meet, and at the same time she is a strengh of nature with a will that can move the world and also inspire everyone around her.
I can promise that some interesting things are coming, but for now they will remain a secret!
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Para quem não sabe a Ana Luísa é freelancer e empreendedora na Starling Film, onde filma e fotografa. Percebem agora porque é que lhe levei este miminho para o nosso encontro! Quem segue o blog Doce para o meu Doce sente a paixão com a Ana Luísa faz tudo - a frase que escrevi só podia ser Do what you love! \\ For who doesn't know Ana Luísa is a freelancer and entrepreneur at Starling Film, where she films and photographs in one woman show! Do you get now why I took this little gift for her? Who follows her blog Doce para o meu Doce regularly you can feel Ana Luísa passion in everything that she does - that's why I could only write - Do what you love! |
E agora vou regressar às agendas A6, que ofereci uma a minha mãe nos anos dela (no início do mês) e ainda a estou a fazer! Para semana espero ter o protótipo da agenda A6 para vos mostrar a todos, até lá fiquem bem!
Other highlight of the day was the mini gathering/pic nic of PTteam (if you don't know what it is and you're curious check Facebook page or visit The Portuguese Room in Etsy). The gathering was in the later afternoon at Campo Grande Garden. I've never had been there. It's a very nice space in the middle of the city. A green spot in the middle of houses and asphalt. It was very pleasant the talking, switching ideas and know face to face people I only knew from the Internet.
And now I will return to the A6 planners/agendas that I've been working on. I offered one to my mother in her birthday (her birthday was in the beginning of the month) and I'm still making it! Next week I hope have the prototype finished to show you all, until then, stay well!
O Thursday Bits é escrito pela Mafalda, designer gráfica e ilustradora, mas acima de tudo uma sonhadora de idiotices (ideias), está sempre a pensar no que criar a seguir. Neste espaço ela gosta de partilhar novidades deste projeto Nuts for Paper e do que as Anas andam a criar. \\ Thursday Bits is written by Mafalda, graphic designer and illustrator, but above all a dreamer of ideas, she is always thinking what she can create next. In this space she likes to share news about this project Nuts for Paper and of what the Anas are creating.
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