Estava no estúdio em arrumações (sim eu passo a vida a arrumar e a desarrumar o estúdio, é uma loucura!). quando me dei conta que ainda tínhamos 5 agendas em português de 2015. E como anuncei no Facebook vamos fazer uma redução de preço. \\ I was in the studio making some arrangements and organizing things (yes I'm doing that all the time,...
You can see that this week the theme around here is the Oscars. It doesn't mean that I'm not thinking about other things... This week have been an hectic one. I've been finishing a part of project started long time ago. It's nice to see something things come to an end and starting new stages. As for my professional life I'm also about...
As coisas por aqui têm estado em hiato. Têm havido alguns contratempos, trabalho, muito trabalho e claro o Carnaval esteve aí. E apesar de este ano não estar particularmente carnavalesca (mesmo sendo torriense, shame on me, eu sei), tirei algum tempo para restaurar as baterias e refrescar as ideias. A Primavera está quase a chegar e com ela chega um tempo para pensar...
You are probably thinking something like put we're still in the winter, and next is spring, why are you already making things about fall/autumn? Well because I was challenge to. Recently I created another cover for Nuts for Paper planner with autumn theme. I've also been thinking that I would be fun to create more botanical patterns. I've always been a fan of...
No fim de semana passado estivemos em mais uma Feira das Almas, onde aproveitámos para lançar um dos nossos novos produtos! Como fã e grande colecionadora de pins não podia andar mais contente. Estávamos tão entretidas a criá-los que quando demos por isso já tínhamos à volta de 50 pins diferentes!!! \\ Last weekend we are at another flea market we're we launch...
I'm quite happy with my sketchbook this week. I've been doing at least one sketch a day. Something I've missed a lot in the past months. Usually for these type of sketches I'll find inspiration online, through the blogs and websites I scroll. One thing I've really missded was to draw people in street style. Of course my new babbies, aka my new...
I was trying to get in to this year's Carnival theme in my hometown. I'm happy with the result of pattern, but still not in the mood for Carnival. Oh well, maybe next year. What do you think about these patterns? *Did you notice I've been using a lot a pink lately? And it's not even my favourite colour at all! ...
Are you in mood for romance? This pattern is a special one. It was create for a special photo album, a polaroid album created at Nuts for Paper. One of these I'll show the portrait illustration too. But for now here's the romantic back cover! Other Patterns in the Challenge can be checked in the INDEX ...
Mas Mafalda vocês ainda estão a fazer agendas? Estamos pois! E ainda temos mais algumas para acabar e enviar durante a semana que vem. Adorámos desafios... e eu especialmente gosto de ser desafiada a desenhar coisas diferentes. Apesar de fazer retratos sempre ter sido algo que me deixa de pé atrás, pois sei que nunca vou conseguir reproduzir a 100% o que me...
It's not a secret that I like (and like here mean love) food. So I was very excited when the oportunity to create this pattern came. The original artwork was for a pattern from a planner for a Nuts for Paper custom order, You will be able to see it this week's Thursday Bits. The cover is illustration portrait of too cute rats....
Esta semana estou de volta com pontualidade britânica! Cheia de novidades de mim para vocês bem fresquinhas, yay! Espero que estejam entusiasmados porque temos coisinhas adoráveis! As agendas com capas customizadas continuam na ordem do dia, o que nos fazem andar loucas com os prazos que temos de cumprir, mas é tão bom ver o fantástico resultado final das mesmas! Na imagem em...
Bites & Bits August 32-35/52
August was a roller-coaster. A good roller-coaster. I started the month by installing new shelves on my Studio. I did it by myself and I...