A sketch of me in my happy little corner in my living room. This is were usually sit and work, but also spend endless hours on the internet (and sometimes even playing Sims 4). I also read and draw in this spot. It can be messy, but I'm working on it. ...
Estão prontos para mais um post sobre agendas? Eu não vos quero assustar, mas daqui até ao Natal devo falar bastante de agendas! Se estão curiosos sobre novos padrões, novas cores e o look renovado do interior das agendas, continuem a ler! Are you ready for another post about planners? I don't want to scare you, but from now until the next year...
And filled the first page with a drawing about it! It was also a comeback to paint with coloured pencils. And also a comeback of cartoonish self portraits in one of my most common outfits (my three shades of grey outfit - completely NOT related with any Shades of Grey book) ...
Este ano participei novamente com uma ilustração para o projecto Histórias de Ajudaris. O texto que me calhou foi escrito pelos Alunos do 4ºB do Agrupamento de Escolas Marcelino Mesquita do Cartaxo - EB1 n.º 1 José Tagarro. O texto fala sobre sermos diferentes e sobre sermos amigos (apesar das diferenças que possamos ter.) Podem encontrar a ilustração que fiz o ano passado...
"The mountains are calling and I must Go!" - É uma agenda semanal de capa dura com uma capa personalizada. \\ The mountains are calling and I must Go! This a hardcover weekly planner with a custom cover illustration. ...
Tenho andado em pulgas para partilhar com vocês que saiu uma pequena reportagem na Burda Style de Agosto sobre a Nuts for Paper e o que faço!!! \\ I've been so excited to share this with you all! Burda Style magazine from August published a litte article about Nuts for Paper and all that I do!! (portuguese only). ...
Bites & Bits August 32-35/52
August was a roller-coaster. A good roller-coaster. I started the month by installing new shelves on my Studio. I did it by myself and I...