O dia de São Valentim, também conhecido como o dia dos namorados aproxima-se! Deixo-vos aqui algumas sugestões de postais para oferecerem à vossa cara metade! Valentines day is almost here! Here are some suggestions of postcards to offer to that special one! You're just to good to be true Can't take my eyes off of you! Let's Snuggle together! Let's Travel together Run...
When I purchased some new boots I reserved these ones too. (my number wasn't available at the time). These are for sure the most comfortable boots/shoes I own and since I got I barely used others. When I purchased some new boots I reserved these ones too. (my number wasn't available at the time). These are for sure the most comfortable boots/shoes I own and...
Este ano começa com cartões de agradecimento em diferentes cores! Este são os que envio cada vez que alguém encomenda um produto Nuts for Paper. Já receberam algum? O que acham deles? 2016 starts with some new Thank you cards in fun colours! These ones I use whenever someone orders something from Nuts for Paper. Did you get any of these? What to...
11. Broom 12. Tulip 13. Owl 14. Fern & 15. Watch 16. Apple & 17. Radish (Root Vegetables) ...
I had a few meetings and appointments outside of the studio and I miss the studio... a lot I had a few meetings and appointments outside of the studio and I miss the studio... a lot ...
Hoje quero partilhar um diário gráfico personalizado que criei este natal com o tema de animais marítimos. Curiosos? Today I want to share a custom sketchbook that I created this christmas with the theme sea creatures. Curious? ...
Gostas de fotografia e de cadernos? Então este post é para ti! Do you like photography and notebooks? Than this post is for you! ...
During the month of January I'm doing a Daily Drawing Challenge - 31 Things to draw with themes by the artist Lisa Congdon. I may not be doing them daily, but they are great drawing exercises. They make you draw things that you otherwise wouldn't draw. I choose a Kuretake fine black marker to use during this challenge. In the beginning of the...
In 2016 I want to try to photograph more. Specially other things than Nuts for Paper products. And if I'm not able to photograph more things, at least my daily life. optimistic start of the week with loads of programmed things ...
Agendas 2016 prontas a enviar | 2016 Planners ready to be shipped Estou de volta ao estúdio, embalar encomendas e a preparar agendas para serem enviadas nas próximas semanas de Janeiro. O regresso ao estúdio têm sido lento. Por vezes tenho dificuldade de criar routinas, mas lentamente estou convencida que vou conseguir voltar à rotina de acordar cedo. (provavelmente não será esta semanas,...
My first illustration of 2016! This year I want to focus on creating more illustrations. Two years ago I tried to draw every day, last year I wanted to create a pattern for each week of the year. I failed both times. Probably because after a certain time I didn't make more time to commit to these challenges. It reached a point that...
Bites & Bits August 32-35/52
August was a roller-coaster. A good roller-coaster. I started the month by installing new shelves on my Studio. I did it by myself and I...