
Friday's Special \\ Notebook A5 + Postcards

agosto 09, 2013

O calor que se faz sentir lá fora parece ter começado a afectar as nossas cabeças!
Deve ser por isso que: desta sexta-feira (9 agosto) até domingo (11 agosto) temos uma oferta especial para quem comprar um destes cadernos A5!
Quem comprar destes cadernos recebe dois postais à escolha da coleção Sea & Shells!

The heat that's outside finally find it's way through our heads!
And might be the reason for: this friday (9th august) untill sunday (11th august) we have a special offer for the ones that buy one of this A5 (5.8 x 8.3 inches) notebooks!
Those who buy these notebooks will receive and pick two postcards from the Sea & Shells Collection!

Playing with Paper Planes | The (not) adventurous Squirrels travel | Baking Yummie Cookies | Chubby the Cookie Juggler | Snuggly Chasing Butterflies

Já sabem que para encomendar algum dos nossos cadernos basta ir ao nossa loja no etsy ou então enviar-nos email. Ficamos à vossa espera!
Bom fim de semana!


You already know that to order one of our notebooks you just need to go to our etsy shop or send us an email. We will be waiting for you!
Have a nice weekend!.

Postais da Coleção Sea & Shells \\ Postcards from the Sea & Shells Collection

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