Thursday Bits \\ Special Visitors, special occasions and prototype notepads
agosto 22, 2013Há quanto tempo! (por isso preparem-se para um post longo)
A semana passada, no dia do Thursday bits foi feriado e aqui a moça decidiu por os pés de molho nesse dia. Resultado: nada de noticias, nem de mostrar o que fazemos por aqui.
Andamos num roda viva a acabar coleções novas, surpresas, talvez um giveway, feiras, e outras coisas que ainda estão no segredo dos esquilos.
How long! (so please fast your seatbelts and prepare for a long ride)
Last week, on the chronicle day it was holiday, so here your dear friend decide do nothing and rest. That's all very sweet but it meant that I didn't wrote or showed anything.
Here we working a lot, finishing new collections, preparing surprises, thinking about a giveway, doing fairs, and other things that are still under wraps.
Mas no meio do trabalho ainda vamos arranjando tempo para fazer presentes de aniversários e alguns protótipos de blocos de notas.
But meanwhile we still find time do to some anniversary gifts and some notepads prototypes.
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Evil Queen Notepad \\ Butterfly Queen Watercolour Notepad \\ Spring Cupcake Notepad |
No domingo passado, a seguir a um belo almoço com direito a bolo brigadeiro e vinho do Porto, a inspiração desceu sobre mim e desenhei uma série de layouts para blocos de notas!
O primeiro a ver a luz do dia foi o Butterfly Queen, todo realizado em aguarela s/ papel de aguarela para oferecer uma a pessoa muito especial: a minha avó. E apesar de os elementos verdes parecerem couves à Catarina, isso não me dissuadiu de fazer o desenho. (na verdade a minha avó até tem bastantes couves no quintal e borboletas também, por isso até é apropriado. )
Last Sunday, after a great lunch that had chocolate cake and Port wine, inspiration fell over me and I spend a generous amount of time drawing new layouts for notepads.
The first one to be made was Butterfly Queen, all done in watercolour over watercolour paper. It was made to offer to a very dear person to me: my grandma. And though the green elements look like cabbages to Catarina, that didn't hold me back to do it. (actually my grandma has a lot of cabbages in her backyard, and butterflies also, so it's quite appropriate).
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Butterfly Queen Watercolour Notepad |
Still inspired in the drawings done in the weekend I started another notepad with a skull drawing. The color schemes that I've choose have been a reason to laugh all week, because pink, purple and bling bling (silver) are not (at all) colours that I like.
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Evil Queen - Interior do bloco \\ Notepad Inside |
Depois de um primeiro e redondo fail a desenhar um cupcake de caramelo e chocolate, acabamos por ficar com um cupcake primaveril cheio de borboletas.
Even after so much notepads, we had the brilliant idea of making a new model of notepad. And this time, this one is for Catarina. For some dark reason (which I think it was lack of sugar) she was with an obsession for cupcakes.
After a first and BIG fail of drawing a caramel and chocolate cupcake, we ended up with a Spring Cupcake with loads of butterflies.
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Spring Cupcake Bloco de Notas - Frente e verso |
Tenham um bom resto de semana e deliciem-se com o Borboleta que ficou fã do bloco de notas da Catarina.
We have a few surprises under our sleeves, but we can't reveal them yet. And oh boy, I really like to share good things, but it's not time for that yet!
Have a nice end of the week and delight yourself with Borboleta (butterfly) that is a new fan of Catarina's notepad.
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