
Thursday Bits - 2013 Bits on a (late) Friday

dezembro 28, 2013

Aposto que com a azáfama natalícia nem deram pela falta da Thursday Bits.
Aqui está de volta.
A ccchic terminou na véspera de natal. foi uma experência muito enriquecidora, conhecemos novas pessoas nossas conterrâneas e re-encontramos velhos conhecidos. Gostamos imenso, para o ano, se tudo correr bem, temos vontade de participar de novo.

Dei por mim a pensar que na próxima quarta-feira já é 2014, não podia deixar passar em claro este facto, por isso selecionei algumas imagens que representam os momentos chaves para a Nuts for Paper.
I bet with the christmas season you didn't miss the Thursday Bits too much.
It's back!
The indoors Christmas market finished in the Christmas eve, it was an amazing experience, we met loads of people from our hometown and also met their crafts. We love it, and next year, if all goes well, we want to participate again.

I caught myself thinking that next wednesday it's already 2014, I couldn't let it pass, so I selected some images that represent the highlights of this year for us.

- a Nuts for Paper começou a ser criada logo após a desbunda do Carnaval torriense \\ Nuts for Paper started being creatted after our homwtown carnival in february 2013

- as esquilo (alter-ego) Chubby e Snuggly nasceram e cada uma com uma personalidade mais vincada que a outra \\after the brand name was created the squirrels born as our alter-egos. Chubby Maroon and Snuggly Auburn - representing us in a very special way.

- 1ª coleção Nuts for Paper - Cadernos da esquilo Chubby \\ In June/July our first collection named after the brand was created. Notebooks with the squirrels and also that represent their personalities. In the image is the Chubby Notebooks and notepads.

- Coleção de Verão - Sea & Shells \\ Short after we decided it was time for a summer collection inspired by the seaside. Living so close to the sea it was natural that some day we would do it. This year we decided to focus in some Shells. Ans the Sea & Shells Collection was born.
Coleção de regresso às aulas - Back to Basics \\ As that time of the year of getting back to school came closer we though about creating a different path of notebooks. We wanted a minimalistic approach to the notebooks and also inspired in some of things we like a lot back when we were at school. Inspired by three basic geometric forms (triangle, square and circle) and CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) the Back to Basics collections was born.

- Em setembro fizemos a nossa primeira parceria com a Casa d'Amendoeira - com as exposição "Paper Squirrel Party"\\ in September we did our first exhibition in Casa d'Amendoeira. It was also the start of a now long partnership. The exhibition was called "Paper Squirrel Party" and it was focused on the presentation of the squirrels, their personalities and also their family

uma parte da exposição no acolhedor espaço da Casa d'Amendoeira \\ Snuggly's corner in the "Paper Squirrel Party" Exhibition in Casa d'Amendoeira.

Ainda em setembro fomos às Caldas da Rainha ao Bazar à Noite. \\ Right after the exhibition we participate in our first street market in a nearby town - Caldas da Rainha.

- apesar do dia dos namorados estar muito longe a nossa veia romântica veio ao de cima e criamos este caderninho romântico \\ because of the street market and also the exhibition we did a lot of new notebooks. including this new model with soft cover and in a shape of notepad, although stitched as a notebook. Though the valentines day it was so far away, the romantic in us show up and we created this romantic squirrel.

- parceria com a pet shop MIWOW - cadernos com animais de estimação. \\ After A outra mafalda (me) did some special illustrations for the new pet shop MIWOW, we also did some exclusive notebooks with fluffy pets and their owners

- o nosso primeiro workshop!! \\ In october our partnership with Casa d'Amendoeira goes on, and we do our first workshop. we loved it. 

Coleção de Natal cheia de recortes e um novo modelo de caderno \\ This collection is very special! While I was working in some custom illustrations, Catarina (aka Snuggly) work really hard in this collection. It summed all the love she has for the Christmas time. All the little paper were hand-cut and glued in the notebooks. Each notebook of this collection has a lot of love and work hours. And it's very special in our hearts

primeira encomenda internacional para o continente americano! \\ And OH HAPPY DAY! Our first international order, that flew right into America! It was such a nice surprise, and our customer words make it all worthy - "I just love these little pieces of art! The only thing I'm sad about it using them-- but I will do so carefully so I can keep the trio of paintings to either frame or set in a collage. Thank you for your careful and beautiful work!"

escrevemos um pequeno manifesto sobre o que fazemos. \\ Behond the notebooks that are already made, since day one of Nuts for Paper that we accept challenges and do custom covers. Don't be afraid of contacting us to do that special gift - it will be in good hands. In that note we also would like to share a little bit of our project philosophy "We value a lot the handmade process, therefore that was the path we choose to take. Everything you find in our shop is cut and assemble by hand. The illustrations are unique and exclusive to each notebook. We believe art should be accessible to anyone, and this is our way of doing our share."

- Coleção de Inverno inspirada em flocos de gelo. \\ The winter collection inspired in the snowflakes and also the phrase "Winter is coming" for all the Game of Thrones fans out there.

Participação na CCChic - feira e mostra de Natal na nossa cidade. (e as esquilo todas equipadas para o Natal). \\ In the end of Novemeber and until Christmas eve we participate in an indoor Christmas Market in our hometown. These are the squirrels all ready for Christmas and the market!

- primeira encomenda internacional europeia (sem ser Portugal) \\ our second international order, first in the european continent (without Portugal). This Cookbook flew to Ireland! One of my dream travels.

- novos cadernos de receitas com padrões inspirado na cozinha (mais novidades nesta onda brevemente). \\ new illustrated patterns, kitchen inspired, in a hardcover notebook. This is a very new thing, we will showcase more in the new year!!

já a sonhar com o próximo ano criámos calendários \\ This was something I wanted for a long time, Calendars! Each month with a special illustration featuring the squirrels.

- e porque gostamos de vez em quando de nos organizar - criámos agendas também \\ And because sometimes we like to feel grown up and organized - we created a few daily planners. We even did some custom orders for a friend.

O Thursday Bits é escrito pela Mafalda, designer gráfica e ilustradora, mas acima de tudo uma sonhadora de idiotices (ideias), está sempre a pensar no que criar a seguir. Neste espaço ela gosta de partilhar novidades deste projeto Nuts for Paper e do que as Anas andam a criar. 
\\ Thursday Bits is written by Mafalda, graphic designer and illustrator, but above all a dreamer of ideas, she is always thinking what she can create next. In this space she likes to share news about this project Nuts for Paper and of what the Anas are creating.

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