
Bites & Bits March 13/52

personal março 31, 2019
Day 25 | How it's made Last year I share a few vlogs on YouTube about how made some products. Photos of the process are harder to have, I'm usually so taken with the making and process that I seldom remember to photograph it. This is a halfway process of making pin badges. This was an older design that it's not available anymore....

Bites & Bits March 12/52

march meet the maker março 24, 2019
Day 19 | Dream collaboration It already happened - my dream collaboration was to design/illustrate books. Recently I designed and illustrated two activity books for young girls for a national publisher. Previously I had the opportunity to design a couple of books, but these two where the first fully illustrated and designed by me. - O meu Diário Superfixe - O Diário das...

Studio | Workspace 2019

march meet the maker março 16, 2019
Day 16 | Workspace This is my Nuts for Paper Studio 2019 version. I can see that throughout the years my studio is getting more full and colourful (just like a well-used Nuts for Paper notebook). This is the main area of the studio, on the left is glueing station and my ream guillotine. In the front are the two main desks -...

Bites & Bits March 11/52

março 15, 2019
Day 11 | Reducing Waste For the most part, I've always tried to be true to the name brand and have more paper packaging instead of using plastic. Maybe the most relevant recent change is wrapped my products in tissue paper and replace the bubble mailers for cardboard flat mailers. It's not a big change, but small steps go a long way. Day...

Bites & Bits March 10/52

march meet the maker março 10, 2019
Day 4 | Tools and Materials I could talk about a lot of tools and other essential resources for the things I do Nuts for Paper but I choose some of the basic tools for bookbinding especially the saddle stitch that I usually go for my paperback notebooks and planners.  Needle, Awl, thread, bone folder (don't let the name fool you, mine is...

Bites & Bits March 09/52

march meet the maker março 03, 2019
Hardcover Planners March is the month of the March Meet the Maker created by Joanne Hawker This year I decide to participate and share on both of my Instagram accounts some of the prompts. Day 1 | Favorite to make! One of the things I love most to make is planners - from the interior design, pattern making or illustration creating, printing process, bookbinding......

Bites & Bits August 32-35/52

August was a roller-coaster. A good roller-coaster. I started the month by installing new shelves on my Studio. I did it by myself and I...


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