
Bites & Bits January 01-05/52

personal janeiro 31, 2019
New Year, new plans and 365 days to execute them! That's how felt that this January was... ...

2018 in Review

100 days of nuts for paper janeiro 21, 2019
Antes de começar a focar-me em 2019, aqui no blog, queria reflectir um pouco sobre 2018. Esta reflexão anual já é costumeira - se tiverem curiosidade podem ver a dos anos anteriores: Before starting to write about 2019, I wanted to reflect a bit about 2018. This annual reflection is already customary - if you are curious you can see it from previous...

Bites & Bits August 32-35/52

August was a roller-coaster. A good roller-coaster. I started the month by installing new shelves on my Studio. I did it by myself and I...


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